Professionalism in Hospitals: House Officers and Residents Understanding of Medical Professionalism
Medical Professionalism, Barry Questionnaire, ABIM Questionnaire, Undergraduate Medical Education, House Officers, Residents.Abstract
Background: Current medical training focuses more on hard skills training and technical aspects of medicine with less emphasis on soft skills including Medical Ethics and Professionalism. Objective: To assess the understanding of medical professionalism among the house officers and residents in a tertiary care hospital setting. Methods: The study was conducted at King Edward Medical University, Lahore from July to December 2018. Following ethical approval of the study from the Institutional Review Board and informed consent, the data was collected by a self-administered proforma including 'Barry challenges to professionalism questionnaire' and 'ABIM (American Board of Internal Medicine) Scale' to measure professionalism through random sampling. The data was analyzed using SPSS 20. Results: 320 participants completed the questionnaire (164 House officers & 156 Residents) with the mean age of 26.12 (± 2.786). The most challenging case for participants in Barry Questionnaire was the Physician Impairment scenario, in which merely 43.4% of participants responded with best or Second-best response, followed by Acceptance of Gift Scenario with 46.6% best or second-best responses. Conflict of Interest, Harassment, and Honesty scenarios had a relatively better response rate. The mean score for ABIM scale overall was 49 (± 12.85), pertaining 20.72 (±6.99) to 'Excellence' subscale, 15.57 (± 6.55) to 'Altruism/Respect' subscale and the lowest score of 12.69 (± 7.70) to 'Honor/Integrity' subscale. No statistically significant differences were noticed in responses of house officers and residents. Conclusion: Junior doctors have a poor understanding of the challenges in medical Professionalism. Current teaching and training appear to be insufficient in helping them deal with Professionalism challenges.Downloads
How to Cite
Sana, M. K. ., Fatima, A. ., Rafay, A. ., & Imran, N. . (2020). Professionalism in Hospitals: House Officers and Residents Understanding of Medical Professionalism. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 26(2), 353–358.
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