Comparison of Serum Cholesterol Fractions Levels in Albino Rats on Monounsaturated (Olive Oil) Fat Diet

Comparison of Serum Cholesterol Fractions Levels in Albino Rats on Monounsaturated (Olive Oil) Fat Diet


  • Khaliq Abro
  • Mulazim Hussain Bukhari



That dietary fat can significantly affect the atherosclerosis and increased level of low density lipoproteins cholesterol in the serum is a high risk while the increased high density lipoprotein cholesterol level is a low risk for the development of athero-sclerosis. The study was conducted to compare the levels of cholesterol fraction with in experimental animals on different dietary fats.

Materials and Methods:  The study was comprised of 36 albino rats of 32 weeks age, with equal number of males and females. These were kept under optimum temperature and hygienic conditions with adequate availability of food and water. The blood samples were drawn at the beginning and the end of study. The animals were given different control and experimental diets for 20 weeks. The experimental diets were added with olive oil as 20% olive oil diet. The blood samples were taken at the end of the study and the results were compared.

Result:  The mean serum HDL-c in the control rats without atherogenic diet at week 0 and 32 are 29.08 ± 2.71 and 24.09 ± 2.11 mg/dl. The difference was highly significant, and the mean serum HDL-c in the control rats with atherogenic diet at week 0 and 32 are 31.66 ± 3.39 and 20.00 ± 2.60mg/dl. The difference is statistically very highly significant. The mean serum LDL-c in control rats without atherogenic diet at week 0 and 32 are 35.00 ± 6.52 and 40.45 ± 5.04 mg/dl. The diffe-rence is statistically significant from the experimental animals. The total serum cholesterol in the experimental group (olive oil) at week 0 and 32 are 88.66 ± 10.43 and 125.09 ± 8.09mg/dl. The difference was statistically highly significant. The mean serum HDL-c at week 0 and 32 are 33.66 ± 3.52 and 66.54 ± 10.02 mg/dl. The difference is statistically very highly signi-ficant (Table 3.2). The mean serum LDL-c at week 0 and 32 are 35.66 ± 7.70 and 35.09 ± 6.77 mg/dl. The difference was statistically non-significant.

Conclusion:  We concluded that a significant decrease in serum LDL-c level and increase in serum HDL-c level found in animals on diet with olive oils might be a protective sign in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Key words:  Atherogenic, Olive oil, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, low density serum lipoprotein cholesterol.


How to Cite

Abro, K., & Bukhari, M. H. (2010). Comparison of Serum Cholesterol Fractions Levels in Albino Rats on Monounsaturated (Olive Oil) Fat Diet. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 15(4), 161.



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