Evaluation of primary pulmonary malignancies in Central Punjab, Pakistan
Pakistan. Neoplasms. Lung. Complementary Therapies. Anopheles. Potassium Radioisotopes. Histoplasmin. Age Distribution. Carcinoma, Transitional Cell.Abstract
Objective: To study the clincopathological findings of Primary Pulmonary Malignancy in central Punjab, Pakistan. Materials and Methods: Three hundred patients of primary malignancies of the lung from Gulab Devi Chest Hospital and other hospitals of Lahore were studied. The history of the Patients and their clinical findings were recorded. The sections of all the cases were stained with Haematoxyllin and eosin whereas all large cell carcinomas were stained with Alcian Blue-Periodic Acid-Schiff (AB-PAS) stain. Results: There were 255 males and 45 females with a male to female ratio of 5.7:1. The age ranged from 10-90 years with a mean age of 54.17±3.46 years. Different tumors were significantly more (p<0.001) in males than in females. The mean age in squamous cell carcinoma cases was significantly high (P<0.001) as compared with adenocarcinoma. Small cell carcinoma cases had significantly low (P<0.02) mean age as compared with squamous cell carcinoma. The difference of mean age in cases of adenocarcinoma approached significant level (0.1>P>0.05) as compared with small cell carcinoma. Conclusions: The primary lung carcinoma is more common in males. Its prevalence is increasing in young ages.
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