Efficacy of ultrasound diagnostic criteria using scoring system for Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis (IHPS)
Pyloric Stenosis. Pylorus. Hypertrophy. Pyloric Stenosis, Hypertrophic. Cross-Sectional Study. Specialties, Surgical. Behavior. Vomiting. Retrospective Studies.Abstract
An analytic cross sectional study in the Department of Paediatric Surgery, Mayo Hospital, Lahore conducted. Twenty patients of non-bilious projectile vomiting with a control group of 20 patients were evaluated from June 2001 to May 2002. An attempt was made to prepare a diagnostic criteria with a scoring system using ultrasonography as a primary tool. Pyloric diameter was 9.1?0.51 in control and 15.25 +/-1.75 patients. Muscular thickness in control group was 1.72 +/- 0.51 in comparison with 4.64 +/- 1.09 in patients. Similarly pyloric length was 11.37 +/-1.47 in control group and 19.84 +/- 1.50 patients. Using probit analysis of ultrasonographic findings a composit scoring was developed and results evaluated. Evaluating 40 cases which included the normal infants (n=20) and infants with IHPS (n=20) both groups could be identified 100% with overall score of 2 or less as normal and those with overall score of 3 or more as having IHPS. All cases of IHPS can be correctly discriminated and diagnosed using these criteria.
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