Hysterectomy Following Tubal Sterilization.
Tubal sterilization, hysterectomy.Abstract
In a study of two hundred patients undergoing hysterectomy for non malignant conditions fifty eight patients (29%) had pervious tubal sterilization. In most of these patients the gynaecological problem necessitating hysterectomy antedated the sterilizing procedure. Proper counselling, thorough examination and investigations should be carried out prior to tubal sterilization to exclude any underlying gynaecological disorder. The aim of this study was to attempt to identify circumstances where two operations could have been avoided by consideration of any possible indication for hysterectomy at the time when initial sterilization was requested.Downloads
How to Cite
FAROOK, S. M. . (2020). Hysterectomy Following Tubal Sterilization . Annals of King Edward Medical University, 4(2), 43–44. https://doi.org/10.21649/akemu.v4i2.3823
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