Significance Of “Pseudokidney” Sign On Ultrasonography In A G.I.T. Mass And Correlation With Barium Study.
Ultrasonography, Pseudokidney, GIT Masses Barium Studies.Abstract
The Objective of this study was to assess the role of ultrasonography in the investigation of clinically suspected neoplasm of the hollow organs of the GI tract, and significance of the “Pseudokidney” sign and to confirm the diagnosis by barium studies and / or endoscopy, including a definite histological diagnosis. A series of 20 patients of different age groups ranging from 8 to 70 years presenting with a clinically suspected GI tract mass were examined by ultrasonography and the findings correlated with barium study. A ‘pseudokidney’ sign was seen in 18/20(90%) patients. Ultrasonography correctly identified the organ of origin and was able to guide the patient’s further management. The barium studies confirmed the ultrasonographic findings. In 2/20/(10%) patients abnormality was found in right iliac fossa and showed matted bowel loops, barium enema examination confirmed the diagnosis of ileo-caecal tuberculosis in these two patients. It is concluded that ultrasonography should be the imaging modality of first choice in patients presenting with a gastrointestinal mass.Downloads
How to Cite
TARIQ, M. ., SHAMIM, K. A. ., KHURSHID, K. ., CHAUDHRY, M. ., MUBASHI, A. ., ZAIDI, N. R. ., & SIDDIQUI, M. A. J. . (2020). Significance Of “Pseudokidney” Sign On Ultrasonography In A G.I.T. Mass And Correlation With Barium Study . Annals of King Edward Medical University, 3(1&2), 34–35.
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