First feed given to the new born babies - a survey in an urban community of Lahore
Neonatal Mortality. Survey. Community. Population Characteristics. Pakistan. Demography. Socioeconomic Factors. Cause of Death. Fetal Death.Abstract
Background: Pakistan being 7th populous country is facing a high Neonatal Mortality Rate and it is reported that acute gastroenteritis is one of the major factor to this high Neonatal Mortality Rate. Avoiding colostrums and giving some prelacteal feed are contributory factors for gastroenteritis. Which ultimately leads to high Neonatal Mortality Rate.Objectives:-To study the first feed practice adopted by lactating mothers in a community in Lahore. Study design. Cross sectional community based survey. Place and duration of the study:- Dubhi mandi near old Anarkali Lahore from January 2002 to June 2002. Respondants and methods: - 180 mothers who delivered in the previous year were listed and interviewed on structured pre tested questionnaire. Results: 32% mothers feed colostrums, and 68% started with other items like honey 27%, ghutti 18%, Araq 8%, water & sugar 4%, cow and formula milk 12%. Out of (122) those who did not started with colostrums, 59% done it intentionally under the influence of family traditions /taboos of either avoiding colostrums being a stale food or to get the first feed by a person of good fortune, 31% missed by ignorance and 10% due to medical reasons. Out of 58 `mothers who started with costume 45% were motivated by health professionals, 39% by relatives/friends and 20% by media. Conclusion: It is conclude that still prelacteal feed is common practice. It is also observed that people change this practice under the guidance of health professionals . So situation can be improved by increasing liaison of pregnant mothers with health professionals ,who should continuously motivate the mother during pregnancy and delivery, to start with colostrums with in half hour of delivery.
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