A study of involvement of different walls of Myocardium in acute Myocardial Infarction in Pakistani population

A study of involvement of different walls of Myocardium in acute Myocardial Infarction in Pakistani population


  • Adil Iqbal
  • Shazia Jamil
  • Muhammad Amer Rasheed
  • Samar Firdous
  • Sohail Jamil
  • Khurram Jamil
  • Sadaf Dastgir
  • Adil Haroon




Myocardial Infarction. Coronary Artery Disease. Myocardium. Angioplasty, Transluminal, Percutaneous Coronary. Coronary Disease. Coronary Angiography. Electrocardiography. Coronary Artery Bypass. Thrombolytic Therapy.


Abstract: Coronary artery disease particularly myocardial infarction remains the leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide, There are few modifiable and un-modifiable risk factors of MI. Myocardial infarction is diagnosed on the basis of typical chest pain raised cardiac enzymes and ECG changes, any two of them lead to the diagnosis, In this study old patients of MI, patients with complicated heart disease and the patients who underwent cardiac surgery were excluded, Results: Amongst 50 patients 36(72%) were males and 14(28%) were females. 70% presented with typical chest pain, 48% had anterior wall MI, 32% had anterolateral MI, 16% had anteroseptal MI and 21% had inferior wall MI, whereas 8% had global Ml, Conclusion: Anterior wall is commonest area involved in MI and 70% of all patients presented with typical chest pain and the most important risk factor is smoking.




How to Cite

Iqbal, A., Jamil, S., Rasheed, M. A., Firdous, S., Jamil, S., Jamil, K., … Haroon, A. (2016). A study of involvement of different walls of Myocardium in acute Myocardial Infarction in Pakistani population. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.21649/akemu.v10i1.1156



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